5 tips to sleep well when travelling

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At Nobu we live to travel, it’s what inspires us. However as exhilarating as traveling can be, it often comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Whether you’re crossing time zones or sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings, prioritizing quality rest is essential for enjoying your travels to the fullest.

Find Your Zen (and yes, that means no screens)

It’s key to find a calming pre-bedtime routine that promotes relaxation and signals your body that’s it’s time to transition from wakefulness to sleep. It’s crucial to avoid screens like smartphones, tablets, and laptops before bedtime. The blue light emitted by these devices can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle by suppressing the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Instead, take your cue from Nobu-san and experiment with deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization techniques to unwind and release tension accumulated throughout the day. Even something as simple as reading a book or having a nighttime skincare ritual can help set you up for a good night’s sleep.

Stay Active During the Day

Getting active is one of the sure-fire ways to maintain healthy sleep patterns. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week – bonus points for getting active outdoors. Avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime, as it can stimulate your body and make it harder to fall asleep.

Manage Jet Lag

Traveling across time zones can disrupt your internal body clock, leading to jet lag and sleep disturbances. Combat jet lag by gradually adjusting your sleep schedule before traveling. Try going to bed and waking up slightly earlier or later, depending on your destination’s time zone, a few days before your trip. If you arrive at your destination during the daytime, resist the urge to take a long nap, as it can make it harder to adjust to the new time zone. Instead, try to stay awake until local bedtime, remember to stay hydrated, and expose yourself to natural sunlight to help regulate those circadian rhythms.

Turn On Relaxing Sounds

Relaxing sounds have the remarkable ability to evoke feelings of tranquility and promote relaxation, making them an invaluable tool for improving sleep. Whether it’s the rhythmic lullaby of ocean waves, or the harmonious melodies of soft music, these sounds can soothe the senses and create a sleep positive atmosphere. Turn on the KLORIS Spotify playlist and slip into deep relaxation and restorative sleep.

Nobu Spa’s Sleep Well Ritual with Kloris CBD

Immerse yourself in deep relaxation with the KLORIS CBD Sleep Well Ritual at Nobu Spa. This full-body treatment combines soothing techniques, gentle stretching, and the therapeutic properties of CBD balms and oils. Indulge in a revitalizing facial massage using gua sha, leaving you calm, refreshed, and ready for a truly restorative sleep.

Complement the ritual with the full Kloris CBD range; apply the discreet Sleep Patch, mist your pillow with the Aromatherapy Pillow Mist, and rub a little balm into your feet.

  • Aromatherapy Pillow Mist: Drift off into a peaceful slumber with Kloris aromatherapy pillow mist. Infused with calming lavender and ylang-ylang essential oils, this natural blend envelops you in tranquility. Simply mist onto your pillow before bedtime and let the gentle scent soothe your senses.
  • High-Strength CBD Balm: Bid farewell to restless nights with Kloris high-strength CBD balm. This all-natural remedy soothes aches and pains, helping you unwind for a blissful sleep. Experience deep relaxation and rejuvenation before bedtime with this powerful solution.
  • Sleep Patches: Discover Kloris Sleep Patches, crafted with a blend of plant extracts known to support good sleep. These discreet patches are your secret weapon for effortless slumber. Apply one to your skin before bed and drift off into dreamland effortlessly.

Quality sleep is your ticket to maximizing enjoyment and productivity while on the go. With a focus on quality rest and these strategies in your toolkit, your travels will be more than just fulfilling—they’ll be revitalizing.

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